How to respond to "Bless you"

How to respond to "Bless you"

What does 'Bless you' mean?

The phrase 'bless you' is something people say after someone else sneezes. It originated a long time ago and was meant to provide a blessing for health. Today, it is more of a polite habit and social custom. When someone says "bless you" after you sneeze, they are simply wishing you good health and acknowledging your sneeze in a courteous way.

The best 3 ways to respond to "Bless you"

  1. Say "Thank you". The simplest and most appropriate response is to say "thank you" to the person who has blessed you. This shows you have good manners and are grateful for their thoughtfulness.

  2. Respond with "You too". If you want to return the gesture in a lighthearted, good-natured way, say "you too!". This suggests you wish them good health in return for their kind blessing.

  3. Excuse yourself. If the sneeze was loud or disruptive, it is a good idea to say "excuse me" or "pardon me" after the sneeze, in addition to "thank you" for the blessing. This acknowledges the disruption to those around you.

What to consider when responding to "Bless you"

  • Be sincere in your thanks. Do not just say it out of obligation. Appreciate the thought behind the blessing.
  • Make eye contact and smile. Engage the person who blessed you to show appreciation for their words. However, do not do this if it would disrupt an important activity like work or school.
  • Say more than just "thanks". Add a cordial greeting like "how are you?". This makes a polite exchange and brightens someone else's day.
  • Do not overthink it. Just respond naturally and according to the situation. An overly complicated response could seem awkward or insincere.
  • Consider returning the blessing. If you feel comfortable, say "bless you too" or "gesundheit" to wish them health and happiness in kind. But this depends on your relationship and how well you know the person.

Specific examples of responding to "Bless you"

Case 1: A stranger blesses you in public after a sneeze. You can say "Thank you!" with a smile.
Case 2: A colleague blesses you at work. You can say "Thank you, how are you today?" to start a friendly exchange.
Case 3: A friend blesses you in a casual setting. You can say "Thanks, bless you too!" to return their kind sentiment.

These responses differ based on who is blessing you and the context, but the core principles are the same. Express gratitude, smile, make eye contact if appropriate, and consider a polite pleasantry or blessing in return. Your thoughtfulness will surely be appreciated!


When someone blesses you after a sneeze, it is an opportunity to show you have good manners and grace. Respond to their thoughtfulness sincerely and courteously by saying "thank you" at a minimum. Consider returning the kind blessing or starting a friendly exchange with someone you know. Do not overthink it, just act with etiquette and respond in a natural, caring way. Though a simple thing, practicing courtesy and spreading goodwill makes a difference. Bless others and be blessed in turn.