The best way to respond to buenos dias

The best way to respond to buenos dias

What does 'buenos dias' mean?

'Buenos dias' is a common Spanish greeting that means 'good morning'. It is used as a polite way to say hello to someone during the morning hours. The appropriate time to use buenos dias is usually from when you wake up until noon.

The best 3 ways to respond to buenos dias

  1. Respond with 'buenos dias' in return. This is the most common and polite response. Simply say 'buenos dias' back to the person who greeted you.

  2. Say 'hola' (hello). If you want to respond in a friendly, casual way, say 'hola'. This conveys you recognize the greeting without directly repeating it.

  3. Use 'que tal' (how's it going?). For an informal but still polite response, use the phrase 'que tal' which asks the person how they are. They may respond by saying they are doing well.

What are the considerations when responding to buenos dias?

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make eye contact, smile and nod to show you acknowledge the greeting. Engage the person to be polite.

  • Use an enthusiastic and welcoming tone. Your response should match the positive spirit of the buenos dias.

  • Return the greeting within a couple of seconds. Do not leave the person waiting too long for a reply. Respond promptly.

  • Use the formal 'usted' unless the person is a friend. When speaking with someone you do not know well, use the formal singular 'you' which is 'usted'. With friends use 'tu'.

  • Consider the time of day. Only respond with buenos dias in the actual morning. In the afternoon or evening, use 'buenas tardes' (good afternoon) or 'buenas noches' (good evening) instead.

Specific examples of responding to buenos dias

Example 1: A colleague greets you as you enter your workplace. Respond with "Buenos dias!" using a friendly, enthusiastic tone. Make eye contact, smile and nod as you greet them in return.

Example 2: A stranger wishes you buenos dias as you walk down the street. smile, make eye contact briefly and say "Buenos dias" or "Hola, que tal?" to politely acknowledge their greeting before continuing on your way.

Example 3: A friend says "buenos dias!" when they call you on the phone in the morning. Since it is a friend, respond with an informal "Hola, que tal?" or "Buenos dias, como estas?" (good morning, how are you?). Chat with them as you usually would.


To summarize, when greeted with a 'buenos dias' in Spanish, the kindest response is to return the greeting. Make eye contact, smile, and reply 'buenos dias', 'hola' or 'que tal' within a couple of seconds. Match the tone and formality to the situation. In the morning or with friends keep things light, while professional settings call for a courteous, enthusiastic reply. However you choose to respond, do so with a positive attitude! Starting each day with kind greetings and smiles helps make the world a friendlier place.