The best way to respond to a compliment

The best way to respond to a compliment

What does 'compliment' mean?

A compliment is a polite expression of praise or admiration. For example:

  • A friend tells you that they like your new hairstyle. This is a compliment.
  • A coworker says you did a great job presenting in the meeting today. This is a compliment.
  • A family member compliments your cooking after a meal. Again, this is a compliment.

The best 3 ways to respond to a compliment

  1. Say 'thank you'. A simple 'thank you' is the most appropriate response in most situations. Make eye contact, smile, and say thank you to show your appreciation for the kind words.

  2. Return the compliment if authentic. If warranted and sincere, you can return a compliment to the other person. But don't do so in a flattering or insincere way. Keep things balanced and genuine.

  3. Share how the compliment makes you feel. You might say something like "That's very kind of you to say, I appreciate you noticing" or "Thank you, that really brightened my day." Expressing how the compliment impacts you keeps the exchange positive and meaningful.

What are the considerations when responding to a compliment

Some key things to keep in mind:

  • Be humble and gracious. Do not brag or gloat, even if secretly proud of yourself.
  • Do not discount or reject the compliment. Avoid saying things like "It was nothing" or "I got lucky." Accept the kind words with poise.
  • Glow, do not gloat. Allow the warm feeling of the compliment to resonate within you, but avoid boasting to others about it.
  • Compliment the complainer in return if appropriate. For example, if they complimented your performance in a shared activity, you can compliment them on their role as well. But keep things sincere.
  • Do not overpraise the other person in your response. While expressing gratitude for their compliment, do not lavish them with flattery in return. Keep things balanced.

Examples of responses to specific compliments

Case 1: A friend compliments your outfit. You can say: "Thank you! I absolutely love your style too."

Case 2: A colleague compliments your presentation. You can say: "Thank you, I appreciate that. Our team did a great job collaborating on this project."

Case 3: A family member compliments your cooking. You can say: "Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Cooking for family is one of my life's great pleasures."

Case 4: A date compliments your smile. You can say: "That's very sweet of you, thank you for noticing."

Case 5: A stranger compliments your work. You can say: "Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to share that with me."


Compliments are meant to brighten your day and make you feel good. Respond with authentic gratitude and humility. Accept the kind words graciously, do not discount or reject them. Share how the compliment makes you feel if appropriate. And if the situation calls for it, return the compliment to the other person as well, with sincerity. Let the warm feeling resonate, but avoid boasting. Treat others as you would like to be treated.