The best way to respond to an interview offer

The best way to respond to an interview offer

What does an 'interview offer' mean?

An 'interview offer' means that a company is interested in meeting with you to discuss a job opportunity. After reviewing your job application, resume, and other materials, they see you as a potential candidate for the position. The interview is a chance for both you and the company to determine if the role and work environment are a good fit.

The best 3 ways to respond to an Interview offer

  1. Thank the company for the opportunity. Express your appreciation for their consideration. For example, you can say something like "Thank you for reaching out and for the opportunity to interview for this role."
  2. Confirm your interest and availability. Let them know you are still enthusiastic about the position. For example, say "I am very interested in the position and available to interview on [DATE1] or [DATE2]." Provide a few options if possible.
  3. Ask for details about the interview process. Get information to prepare, such as who you will be meeting with, the interview format, expected questions, and the company culture. Politely ask, "Please provide any details about what I can expect for the interview process and what will be involved."

What are the considerations when responding to an Interview offer

Some things to consider:

  • Respond promptly to maintain your professionalism and convey your enthusiasm. Within 1 business day is ideal.
  • Review details about the company and role again so you can speak to why you're interested and a great fit for the position.
  • Prepare some thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer(s) about the company, team, role, goals, etc.
  • Consider your availability and schedule to ensure there is enough time to prepare and attend any follow-up interviews.
  • Get your list of references ready in case the company asks for them at this stage. Choose people who can speak to your relevant experience, work quality, and strengths.
  • Express confidence in yourself and your ability to succeed in this opportunity. Your positive self-belief will show through in your response and the interview.

Other specific cases of Interview Offers

Case 1: The initial phone screen interview: In your reply, ask who will be calling and how long the call may last so you can schedule time and be prepared to discuss your background and experience as it relates to the role.
Case 2: An in-person panel interview: Request details on who will be present and their positions so you can determine how to address each person and prepare to discuss your relevant experience with multiple interviewers. Ask how long the panel interview is expected to last.
Case 3: A case study or work sample interview: Ask for details about the case study or work sample you will be expected to complete so you know how to prepare and what materials or resources you may need to bring to the interview. These more extensive types of interviews require significantly more time and effort to prepare for.
Case 4: Traveling from out of town for an interview: Express your appreciation for the company's willingness to accommodate out-of-town candidates. Confirm details like who will coordinate your travel and accommodations, what will be covered (e.g. flight, hotel, transportation), and ask if there are any deadlines you should be aware of in terms of booking arrangements.


In summary, respond to an interview offer with equal parts professionalism, positivity, and enthusiasm. Get the logistical details you need to thoroughly prepare and put your best foot forward. Your response is another opportunity to express why you're interested in this new opportunity and convey what a great fit you'd be for the open role. With the right preparation and confidence in yourself, you'll ace the interview and move on to the next stage of consideration. Good luck!