The best way to respond to klk

The best way to respond to klk

What does 'klk' mean?

'Klk' is an acronym that stands for '¿Qué lo qué?' which translates to 'What's up?' or 'How's it going?' in English. It is a casual greeting often used between friends or acquaintances. For example:

  • A friend messages you 'klk' to start a conversation.
  • A coworker sees you in the office and says 'klk' as they walk by.
  • An old classmate runs into you at a coffee shop and greets you with 'klk'.

The best 3 ways to respond to klk

  1. Respond casually and friendly. Say something like "All good, klk?" or "Not much, just working. Klk?" Keep the response lighthearted and casual.
  2. Ask a follow up question. Reply with something like "Klk! How have you been?" or "Klk, what's new with you?" Show interest in continuing the conversation.
  3. Provide a brief update. You can say something like "Klk! Staying busy as always. How about you?" Give a quick high-level update on what you're up to.

What are the considerations when responding to klk

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Match the casual and informal tone. Do not provide a lengthy or overly serious response. Keep it light.
  • Reply based on your relationship. Respond differently to a close friend vs an acquaintance vs a coworker. Tailor to the context.
  • Show interest in the other person. Move the exchange beyond just a greeting by asking follow up questions about them. Build rapport.
  • Share a little information about yourself too. Provide a quick update on what's new or how you're doing in a concise manner. Find common ground.
  • Consider if you're able to chat in the moment. If busy, suggest catching up later. But still, reply briefly in a friendly tone.

Other specific cases of klk

Case 1: A friend messages you 'klk' to see if you want to grab coffee. You can say: "Klk! Coffee sounds great. I have some time this afternoon if you're free."
Case 2: A coworker says 'klk' as they hurry by your desk. You can say: "Klk! Talk to you later!" Keep it brief since they seem in a rush.
Case 3: An old friend greets you with 'klk' when running into each other randomly. You can say: "Klk! So good to see you. We have a lot of catching up to do. Let's grab a drink soon!" Express excitement at the serendipitous encounter.
These examples provide casual, friendly responses while also conveying your availability and interest in the other person. The level of detail and follow up questions depends on the context of the interaction and relationship. But in general, match the informal tone and share information about yourself too.


In summary, 'klk' is a common casual greeting that is meant to start a light, informal interaction. Respond in a matching casual and friendly manner. Provide a concise update about yourself too while also showing interest in the other person. The response depends on the context and relationship, but in all cases, convey warmth, openness to chatting, and mirror the relaxed tone. Exchange 'klk' greetings often lead to great opportunities to connect with others, even if just for a quick catch up.