The best way to respond to 'lmao'

The best way to respond to 'lmao'

What does 'lmao' mean?

The acronym 'lmao' stands for 'laughing my ass off'. It is used in messaging and texting to indicate that you find something extremely funny or amusing. For example:

  • Your friend tells you an hilarious story via text and you reply 'lmao! That's too funny!'
  • You share a silly meme with a group chat and someone responds 'lmao'
  • A friend texts you a ridiculous joke and you can't help but text back 'lmao'

The best 3 ways to respond to 'lmao'

  1. Reply with an affirmative like 'haha' or 'lol'. Saying something simple like 'lol' or 'haha' acknowledges you find it funny too without needing to match the intensity of 'lmao'.
  2. Escalate to 'lmbo' or 'rofl'. If it was really funny, you can up the ante by responding 'lmbo' (laughing my butt off) or 'rofl' (rolling on the floor laughing). But use escalation judiciously.
  3. Add a comment to keep the conversation going. For example, reply 'lmao so true!' or 'lmao that was hilarious!'. Commenting gives the other person more to respond to in order turn.

Considerations when responding to 'lmao'

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid overusing 'lmao' in your own responses. It loses meaning if said too often.
  • Do not feel pressure to match the level of enthusiasm of 'lmao' if you do not find something that funny. Be authentic in your response.
  • Make sure your response conveys the right tone. Written communication can be misinterpreted so check that your message comes across as lighthearted and casual.
  • Consider if 'lmao' was meant genuinely or sarcastically. Respond in kind with an appropriate level of sincerity or irony.
  • Think about the context and audience. More casual language may be fine with friends but avoid very informal responses when messaging work colleagues or new connections.

Example cases of responding to 'lmao'

Case 1: Your friend sends you a silly selfie with the caption 'woke up like this lmao'. You reply 'lmao love it!'.
Case 2: Someone shares an exaggerated story in the group chat and another friend responds 'lmao'. You say 'lol riiiight'.
Case 3: Your colleague messages you an ironic meme relating to a work challenge. They put 'lmao' You reply 'haha too real'.


In summary, receiving an 'lmao' gives you an opportunity to share a laugh together and bond over finding something amusing. Keep your response authentic and lighthearted. There are many ways to respond without needing to match the intensity of 'lmao' or use informal language that may not suit the context. A simple 'lol' or 'haha' can do the trick while escalating to 'lmbo' or adding a short comment may be better for friends. Most importantly, avoid overusing very casual terms in your own messages and double check that tone is conveyed correctly. With the right balance, you can keep the conversation playful and build closer connection.