The best way to respond to 'lol'

The best way to respond to 'lol'

What does 'lol' mean?

The acronym 'lol' means 'laughing out loud'. It is used in text messages, instant messaging and online communication to represent laughter or amusement. For example:

  • A friend texts you a funny meme and you respond with 'lol'. This means you found it amusing.
  • During a casual conversation on a messaging app, your friend makes a silly comment and you say 'lol' to indicate you laughed.
  • On social media, someone posts an entertaining story or joke and you comment 'lol' to show you found it funny.

The best 3 ways to respond to 'lol'

  1. Keep it positive and lighthearted. Reply with a similar casual and fun message like 'haha' or ' lmao'. This maintains a jovial and humorous tone.
  2. Add a comment along with the 'lol'. For example, say 'lol, that was a good one.' or 'lol, you always make me laugh.' This provides more context and continues the friendly back and forth.
  3. Use an emoji in addition to 'lol'. A laughing emoji, smiley face emoji or another expressive emoji helps convey your reaction in a visual way. For example, 'lol ๐Ÿ˜‚' or 'lol ๐Ÿ˜†'.

What to consider when responding to 'lol'

Some considerations for your reply:

  • Match the tone and casualness of the original 'lol' message. Do not get too serious or formal in your response.
  • Keep things positive and light. Avoid hostile, passive aggressive or snarky reactions.
  • Consider the context of your conversation and relationship with the person. Tailor your response appropriately based on how well you know them and typical communication style.
  • Do not feel pressure to always respond with a substance heavy answer. It is ok if your reply is short and casual. The original 'lol' does not necessarily warrant an in-depth discussion.
  • Be authentic in your response. Do not just say 'lol' back if you did not actually find their message funny or amusing. It is better to not respond at all in that case.

Other specific cases of receiving 'lol' and how to respond

Case 1: A friend tells you an inside joke you shared recently and says 'lol' at the end. You can say: 'lol, too funny! That will never get old.'
Case 2: A coworker comments 'lol' on a work chat message you sent. You can say: 'Glad I could provide some Monday humor! How did your weekend go?' This acknowledges the 'lol' while pivoting the conversation to something more substantive.
Case 3: Someone comments 'lol' on an old social media post of yours. You can say: 'lol thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.' Keep your response positive but do not feel the need to continue an extensive conversation.

These examples show that context matters when determining how to respond to 'lol'. In each situation, match the casual and friendly tone while also considering factors like your relationship, typical communication preferences and the setting. Respond authentically based on how funny or amusing you found the original message. Feel free to moderate the extent of your reply based on what level of conversation is appropriate and prudent for the context.


To summarize, receiving a 'lol' message is an opportunity for some lighthearted and casual communication. Check that your reply is:

  • Positive, friendly and casual
  • Well matched to the context and your relationship
  • Authentic to your actual reaction and how amusing you found the message

You do not always need to have an extensive reply. Keep things concise and jovial when possible. But if continuing the conversation, do so in an enjoyable, open and meaningful way. 'Lol' may be a simple message but your response can strengthen social connections and brighten someone's day. So keep calm and lol on!