The Best Way to Respond to Praise?

The Best Way to Respond to Praise?

Responding well to praise and compliments can be difficult. While it feels good to receive accolades, it is important to stay grounded and gracious. The following thoughts aim to provide guidance on identifying praise and responding in a way that is both appreciative and humble.

What is Praise in a Conversation

Praise refers to expressing admiration or approval towards someone, often in the form of compliments. Signs of praise in a conversation include:

  • Compliments: ""You're so talented."" ""That was an amazing performance.""
  • Flattery: ""You're the best at what you do."" ""You're the most thoughtful person I know.""
  • Congratulations: ""Congratulations on your promotion."" ""You should be very proud of your accomplishments.""

How to Respond

When responding to praise, express gratitude while remaining humble and grounded. Some tips:

  • Say ""thank you."" Simple but sincere appreciation for the kind sentiments.
  • Keep perspective. You might say ""I appreciate your confidence in me"" or ""I was fortunate things came together well."" Avoid implying you are inherently more capable or accomplished.
  • Share credit. Especially at work, say something like ""Thank you, it was a team effort"" or ""I'm grateful for the support of my colleagues.""
  • Stay focused on purpose. Do not get distracted by compliments and remain dedicated to continuous growth and service.

Case Examples

Case 1: Your teacher says, ""Your essay was one of the best I've read. You should be proud of your work.""
You respond: ""Thank you, I appreciate your feedback and encouragement.""

Case 2: Your manager tells you, ""You're one of our top performers. I'm so grateful for all you contribute.""
You respond: ""Thank you for your confidence in me. I'm appreciative of the opportunity to work with such a dedicated team.""

Case 3: Your family member says, ""You're the most thoughtful and caring person I know. I don't know how you do it all!""
You respond: ""Thank you, I'm grateful to have your support and kindness in my life..""


Consider the relationship with the person expressing praise and their motivations. While compliments should be accepted graciously, do not become reliant on the approval and flattery of others. You are worthy, not because of achievements or accolades, but simply because you exist.


Learn to navigate praise and compliments with wisdom and care. Say ""thank you,"" share credit with others, and remain focused on growth and purpose. You are worthy not because of what you achieve or how much you are admired. Stay grounded in what you know to be true - you matter simply because you exist. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, stay dedicated to values bigger than yourself, and appreciate each moment as a new opportunity to learn and serve. You've got this!