The best way to respond to 'tfti(thank for the info)'

The best way to respond to 'tfti(thank for the info)'

What does 'tfti' mean?

The abbreviation 'tfti' stands for 'thank for the info'. It means someone is expressing gratitude for information you have provided to them, whether in person, over the phone, via email or another medium. For example:

  • A colleague emails you some data and statistics for a project, and you reply "tfti" to thank them for the helpful information.
  • A friend calls to give you an update on a mutual acquaintance, and you say "tfti" to convey your appreciation for them keeping you in the loop.
  • A customer service representative provides some details about a product, and you end the chat by typing "tfti" to show your thanks for the useful info.

The best 3 ways to respond to 'tfti'

  1. You're welcome! A simple but sincere reply like "You're welcome!" or "My pleasure!" is always a good option. It acknowledges the gratitude and reciprocates the positive sentiment.

  2. I'm glad I could help. If you provided the information to be helpful, say so. For example, reply "I'm glad I could provide useful information. Let me know if you have any other questions!" This reinforces your willingness to assist the person.

  3. Please keep me in the loop. If the information was helpful and you would like to receive future updates, you could say something like "You're welcome! Please keep me posted if anything changes." This expresses interest in the subject and appreciation for the communication.

Considerations when responding to 'tfti'

  • Match the level of formality to the context. Casual replies for friends, warm yet professional for work colleagues.
  • Reference the specific information if needed for clarity. For example, "You're welcome for the pricing details and product specs."
  • Offer reciprocity and a willingness to assist further. But do not commit to more than you can deliver.
  • Build goodwill through a positive, not curt, reply. Even a simple 'thank you' is better than no response.
  • If appropriate, suggest meeting to discuss in person. Face to face interaction can strengthen relationships.


Responding to messages of thanks for providing information, no matter how briefly conveyed, is an opportunity to build connection and express your own gratitude for the interaction. Your reply should match the context, reiterate what the information was, and convey a willingness to continue assisting and improving the communication going forward. Relationship building, one 'thank you' at a time.