The best way to respond to wdym(what do you mean)

The best way to respond to wdym(what do you mean)

What does 'wdym' mean?

The phrase 'wdym' is an abbreviation for 'what do you mean'. When someone asks you 'wdym', it means that something you said previously was unclear or confusing to them. They are asking you to clarify your statement or provide more details and context. For example:

  • In an email, you make a request of a colleague but your wording is vague. They reply 'wdym?' to get clarification.
  • During a meeting, you make an offhand comment that puzzles others. Someone asks 'wdym?' to prompt you to explain further.
  • You post something on social media that is open to interpretation. A friend comments 'wdym?' to ask you to clarify what you meant.

The best 3 ways to respond to wdym

  1. Provide clarification and additional details. Explain your statement in more depth to ensure the other person understands what you meant. For example, you can say something like "Sorry for the confusion, let me clarify..."
  2. Ask follow up questions. To make sure you provide the right clarification, ask some questions. For example, say "Can you tell me specifically what part was unclear?" or "What would you like me to clarify?".
  3. Give examples and context. Providing examples and context around your initial statement can help illustrate your meaning. For example, say "To give you some context..." or "For example, what I meant was..."

What are the considerations when responding to wdym

  • Do not get defensive. Remain open and receptive to providing clarification. Respond professionally and objectively.
  • Acknowledge that your initial statement was unclear or confusing. Take responsibility and say something like "My apologies, I can see how that may have been unclear".
  • Avoid further confusing or irritating the other person. Make sure your follow up response is as clear and coherent as possible.
  • Be aware of any impacts your lack of clarity may have caused. Provide clarification promptly to minimize issues.
  • Double check that the other person now understands what you meant after your clarification. Ask "Does this make sense?" or "Please let me know if you have any other questions".

Specific cases of receiving wdym from someone

Case 1: A colleague emails you 'wdym?' in response to a request for information. Reply and say "Sorry for the confusion, to clarify - I was asking if you could send me the reports discussed in yesterday's status meeting."
Case 2: A friend comments 'wdym?' on a social media post. Respond with "My apologies, let me provide some context. What I meant to convey was [explain further]."
Case 3: During a meeting, a client asks 'wdym?' following one of your statements. Say "I can see how my wording may have been unclear. To clarify, what I meant to say was [restate and provide examples]."
I made, whether it be lack of context or simply badly worded, by saying... [restate your point clearly and thoroughly]. I appreciate you bringing this confusion to my attention so I can remedy it. Please let me know if my clarification makes sense or if you have any other questions!"


In summary, when someone asks 'wdym', view it as an opportunity to clarify and strengthen understanding. Respond objectively without getting defensive, acknowledge the confusion, and promptly provide additional details and context. Make sure your follow up is coherent and ask if further clarification is needed. Effective communication is a two-way process, so appreciate the other person giving you a chance to remedy misunderstandings and ensure your intent is clearly conveyed. Clarifying with patience and professionalism can help avoid negative impacts from lack of clarity.