The best way to respond to "wsg"

The best way to respond to "wsg"

What does 'wsg' mean?

The acronym "wsg" stands for "what's going on" and is used as a casual greeting to ask someone how they are or what they are up to. For example:

  • A friend texts you "wsg" to start a conversation. They want to know what's new with you or how you're doing.
  • A coworker messages you on Slack with "wsg" during the weekend. They are curious about what you have going on outside of work.
  • A relative sends you a message on WhatsApp saying "wsg" to check-in and get an update on your life events or activities.

The 3 best ways to respond to "wsg"

  1. Respond with an upbeat, positive message. For example, say something like "Doing well, thanks! Staying busy but enjoying the weekend." Keep things lighthearted and casual.
  2. Ask them "wsg" in return to reciprocate the interest in their lives. For instance, reply "Not too much, just relaxing. What's going on with you?" This turns the question around on them while also giving a brief update on your end.
  3. Share some specifics about a recent experience or plan, but keep your response relatively concise. For example, say "Had a great time camping over the weekend. The weather was perfect. You?" Offer a few details while also flipping the question back to them to continue the conversation.

What are some considerations when responding to "wsg"

Some things to keep in mind:
• Match the casual tone of "wsg". Do not give a lengthy or overly formal response. Keep things light and breezy.
• There is no need to share extremely private details. Provide a superficial overview of activities and experiences, but avoid anything too personal.
• Ask open-ended follow up questions to make it a genuine exchange. For example, ask about their weekend plans, work, family, etc. Show interest in learning more about what's going on in their life as well.
• Use casual abbreviations and slang as appropriate for the context. For example, say "Just chillin'" or "Not much, hbu?" to keep with the relaxed tone. But avoid being unprofessional.
• Emojis are okay to use in moderation. For example, a smiley face or thumbs up can help convey a positive, friendly tone. But do not overuse emojis in your reply.

Specific examples of responding to "wsg"

Case 1: Your friend texts you "wsg" on the weekend. You reply:
Hey! Just enjoying the calm before the week starts up again. Went on a hike yesterday, the weather was perfect. How about you, what's good?
Case 2: A coworker messages you "wsg" on Slack. You respond:
Hey there! Not too much, relaxing with some errands. Yourself? Have any fun plans for the weekend?
Case 3: A family member sends you "wsg" to start a chat. You reply:
Hi! I had a good weekend visiting friends. How was your week? What are you up to lately?


The abbreviation "wsg" is meant to start a casual conversation and check-in on what's going on in someone else's life in a laid-back way. Keep your responses lighthearted, ask them questions in return, provide some high-level details about your experiences and activities, and use a friendly, upbeat tone with some casual language. While it's a brief greeting, make the most of the opportunity to connect and show you're genuinely interested in them by turning it into a friendly exchange. A little positivity and humor can go a long way in this type of casual communication!