The best way to respond to your work spouse's compliments

The best way to respond to your work spouse's compliments

What does 'work spouse' mean?

A 'work spouse' is a coworker you become close with, bonding over your jobs and sharing details of your personal lives. You rely on each other for support, advice and camaraderie during the workday. Receiving a compliment from your work spouse is meaningful as you know them well. But responding appropriately requires care.

The best 3 ways to respond to your work spouse's compliments

  1. Express sincere thanks. Say something like: "Thank you, that really means alot coming from you." Your work spouse will appreciate your genuine gratitude.
  2. Compliment them in return. For example: "Thanks, I'm lucky to have a work spouse as kind and thoughtful as you." Returns the goodwill and reinforces your bond.
  3. Discuss how their support helps you. Explain that: "Your encouragement inspires me to do my best work. Thank you for being there for me each day." Shows the impact of your relationship.

What are the considerations when responding to your work spouse

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Be authentic. Do not just say what you think your work spouse wants to hear. Your closeness allows for honesty.
  • Affirm your shared interests and values. Note how their compliment reflects the connection you have built through your roles and personal sharing.
  • Express a desire to reciprocate. For example, say you also strive to support and encourage them in return. This reinforces the give and take of your relationship.
  • Avoid inappropriate intimacy. While close, maintain proper professional boundaries. Do not respond in a way that makes others uncomfortable or raises concerns about favoritism.
  • Thank them for the boost to your work satisfaction. Explain how your days are better thanks to their friendship and the motivation you gain from each other.

Other specific cases of compliments from your work spouse

Case 1: Your work spouse praises how you handled a difficult work task. You can say: "Thanks, your support means the world. I don't know how I'd get through the challenges here without you."
Case 2: Your work spouse tells clients what a pleasure it is to work with you. You can say: "I'm lucky to work with you too. My job satisfaction starts with our partnership."
Case 3: Your work spouse compliments your character and work ethic. You can say: "Thank you, coming from someone I admire so much that is high praise. You make me want to be a better coworker too."


In summary, compliments from your work spouse are meaningful and help build your closeness. Respond authentically by expressing gratitude, returning praise, discussing the impact of their support and affirming your shared interests and reliance on one another. Value what you have without crossing lines. A good work spouse is a gift, and the camaraderie you gain will make the daily challenges of your job much more fulfilling. Nurture this relationship and the motivation, trust and enjoyment it cultivates each day at work.