How to respond to 'xoxo' from someone

How to respond to 'xoxo' from someone

What does 'xoxo' mean?

The phrase 'xoxo' is a common way to express affection, usually at the end of a letter or message. The 'x' signifies a kiss, while the 'o' represents a hug. When someone sends you an 'xoxo':

  • They are thinking of you fondly.
  • They care about you deeply.
  • They wish to convey warmth, closeness and support.

The 3 best ways to respond to 'Xoxo'

  1. Reciprocate the sentiment. Reply with an 'xoxo' or 'xoxoxo' of your own. This shows you feel the same way about them.

  2. Say 'thank you'. Send a message saying "Thank you, that means a lot to me." Let them know their gesture is appreciated.

  3. Share how they make you feel. You might say something like "Your messages always brighten my day. I'm lucky to have you in my life." Expressing how they impact you strengthens your connection.

What to consider when responding to 'Xoxo'

Some important things to keep in mind:

  • Be authentic in your reply. Speak from the heart instead of just saying what you think they want to hear.

  • Discuss the value you place on your relationship. Explain how important they are to you.

  • Share specific memories or moments you cherish. References to good times you have shared can deepen closeness.

  • Compliment them on their qualities and character. People want to be appreciated for who they are - their essence.

  • Praise them for the support and joy they bring to your life. Say how they motivate and inspire you to be your best self.

  • Make plans to meet in person if possible. Nothing strengthens affection like quality time together.

Specific examples of responding to 'Xoxo'

Case 1: A friend sends 'xoxo' to say they're thinking of you. You reply: "Xoxo right back at you! Our friendship means the world to me."

Case 2: Your partner includes 'xoxo' in a message. You respond: "Xoxoxoxo. Thank you for being my best friend and the love of my life."

Case 3: A family member sends 'xoxo' to show they care. You say: "Xoxo. You have always been there for me. I feel so lucky to have you in my family."

These responses express warmth, share appreciation for the relationship and highlight the depth of care and support. They strengthen your emotional connection in a heartfelt, authentic way.


Receiving an expression of affection like 'xoxo' is a reminder of the care surrounding you. Respond to show you value those relationships profoundly in return. Say 'thank you' for all they bring to your life, share memories and inside jokes you have built together. Compliment them on their character and essence. Make plans to connect in person whenever you can. The relationships we cultivate shape our experiences, so appreciate those who love and support you. Expressing emotion is a sign of strength, not weakness, and deepens intimacy. We are social creatures, and life is better when shared with others.